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Counseling for Attachment & Trauma


Welcome Brave Parent!


You have wandered into the most rewarding, most painful, most exciting, and frustrating thing any human can do.  Parenting a child with attachment wounds and/or trauma takes an extra special parent for a special child with extra special needs.   


You are on the front lines, loving your child through the thick and thin of every day life.  Parenting a foster, adoptive, or biological child with a wounded heart can create a significant challenge as you seek to learn how to love them well.  It often requires special tools, special patience, special support and knowledge.  Most parents of wounded hearts will recognize quickly that "traditional parenting" just doesn't work.  I am hopeful that some of the resources provided here will help you learn more connected and effective ways of dealing with your precious child!!!  


The website is still under construction.  Over time, I hope to add more resources so that you are able to parent well. 


If you find that a link is broken, or even find a helpful resource that might bless others, please let me know.  I wish you well in your journey. 


Blessings to you and your family!


Cindy Richman




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